We hope you enjoyed your experience with Motley Mélange and we'd love to hear about it! Would you be so kind as to take a few seconds to let us know what you loved most and if there are any opportunities for us to make improvements? Thank you so much!! <3     Bride's Name:  
Who was your primary photographer? Kori BillerHillary Bayer
  Which of the follow best describes the way we made you feel as clients? 1 - Meh...2 - Okay, I guess3 - Had a good time 🙂4 - You guys rocked our socks!!
  If you could shout about your experience from the rooftops, what would you say?
Thank you so much again for letting us know how we did! Your opinion means the world to us. Congratulations to you again!
-- Motley Mélange